EMBA Business User Manual
An entrepreneur begins his/her career without management notions, learns from practice, from mistakes and adapts to changes, thus developing his/her own leadership style. The lack of education in management, however, becomes noticeable, especially when the business grows and a high management level is required.
EMBA offers you a business user’s manual, it opens your eyes to the “tools” you need and shows you that there are also other people in the world with the same problems and you are offered solutions to many of them.
I chose an EMBA for all the reasons listed above and because no matter how many courses I will attend, there will always be something to learn. But also because my participation to EMBA gave me the possibility to get out of my daily environment and to be part of a team from which I had many things to learn, both from my colleagues, and from the teachers.
I am passionate about the management style in the USA and Tiffin EMBA is the only program that offered me the possibility to learn from American teachers. They also had one of the most professional offers and they lived up to my expectations.
Overall the Tiffin University has satisfied all my expectations and part of my managerial team is already enrolled in the classes of the Tiffin EMBA program.
After graduation I made many changes in the management team, I changed my business strategy immensely. Now when I look back I can see that I applied many concepts without even realizing it and as a result 2012 was the best year so far, both from the point of view of the income and from the point of view of internal organization; the effectiveness increased, we are producing more with fewer resources.
For anyone who is in a management position, be they entrepreneur or employee, EMBA will open their eyes and will offer them solutions to many of the issues they most certainly are facing. Moreover, they will make many friends from different fields, with the same problems as them, from whom they will only have things to learn.